Tender Programs
JCL has designed its tender process to be robust yet flexible enough to ensure a precise fit with each client’s specific circumstances and objectives. The end result is a full report that presents a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of each offer to enable our clients to make an informed decision on their energy needs.
A general outline of our tender process follows:
- Collect and analyse energy data
- Build a clear profile of the clients usage & future requirements
- Preparation of tender documents
- Release of invitation to tender to retailers
- Receipt of tender submissions from retailers
- Detailed analysis of each response
- Price component analysis of all retail elements (including Energy, Carbon, Green Energy, Commonwealth/State schemes)
- Terms and conditions review and analysis (including pass-through costs, overcharge and over-run charge parameters)
- Terms and conditions negotiation
- Preparation of short list of retailers
- Price negotiation
- Recommendation of best option based on client requirements
- Final report, implementation and management
- Client presentation to determine preferred offer
- Assist in finalising contract
- Client to sign off contract with retailer
- Implementation and management of contract, including monthly bill checking
- Ongoing services
Following on from our tender program we also offer an Ongoing Services package which our clients value as we proactively monitor their usage and spend.